18 November 2009

Teen Angst

My mind is all disoriented by the occurrences my life has underwent. It seems like these days are bringing out the worst of my character. I am much more temperamental and hateful words seem to flow freely from my mouth.

Words are such a powerful thing. They are destructive and will damage a person forever. Powerful blows initiated by fists aren't as painful as the impact words can have on a person. I've learned that and simple words like "sorry" are not always the remedy for the hurt caused by a swarm of profanities. No, not the profanities that convey obscenity, but hurtful things, for sure.

Call it teenage angst or whatever but honestly, I feel like there isn't a reason for all this angst. There is no source. Perhaps maybe some insecurities on the side and the search for a stable identity, but other than that I really have no reason to act like a mad woman.

There can only be one explanation. The damned hormones. Damn hormones all the way to hell. It sucks when you're under a potent, chemical spell beyond your physical control.

I am powerless and weak.

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